Jefferson Peralez is the up-and-coming Mayor of Night City and the target of shadowy forces out to shape him into their puppet. This is the mystery surriounding the Cyberpunk 2077 Dream On Side Job.
Cyberpunk 2077 Dream On Walkthrough
The Side Job: Dream On will only begin after completing the first side job given to V by Elizabeth Peralez, I Fought the Law. Elizabeth will call V asking for your help in investigating some recent occurrences that make her believe her family is in danger.
Investigate the Peralez Apartment
Go to the Luxury Apartments fast travel point and ring for Elizabeth at the street entrance to the building. She will open the door for you. Head to the elevator and go to the Peralez’s apartment. Elizabeth will greet you upon exiting the elevator on their floor, and lead you to the couch in the living room.
(Image Credit: IGN)
While talking to the Peralez’, you can choose to investigate the apartment on your own or have Elizabeth guide you. Either way, you will scan around the apartment until you find enough clues to piece together what’s going on.
(Image Credit: IGN)
Go upstairs and scan the “Vote for Peralez” poster on the table in Mr. Peralez’s office. After that, scan the family photo on the wall across the room from the poster. Exit the office and enter the bedroom opposite, and scan the wedding photo beside the bed. Leave the bedroom and scan the bloodstains on the wall in the room to the left of the stairs.
Following the bloodstains, V will uncover a secret room accessible by forcing it open with a Body Attribute level of 7 or higher or going back downstairs to access the local network of the locked computer. The code is found on another computer in a message (6709). Use the code to unlock the locked computer and open the locked secret door.
(Image Credit: IGN)
The Secret Room
Enter the secret room and scan around to find a mysterious computer on the wall with cables leading to the roof.
(Image Credit: IGN)
Ascend the ladder in the room and open the roof hatch to follow the cables to their transceiver unit. After uncovering the transceiver, you’ll need to scan the horizon from the roof to find the antenna receiving and sending the data to the secret room in the Peralez’ apartment.
(Image Credit: IGN)
Go back downstairs and talk to Elizabeth, she’ll insist that this matter remains between V and herself, and asks that you keep investigating.
Exit the apartment and head toward the antenna. You’ll see a van that’s connected to the unit which will drive off and a chase will ensue. Make sure to keep up with the van or the mission will end.
When the van eventually stops, in a dangerous part of Night City, take out the gang goons in the building and jack into the van. You’ll learn that the van is doing way more than spying on the Peralez family and that it’s trying to reshape their personalities, reprogramming their brain’s neural pathways.
The Ramen Shop
Call Elizabeth after the van deletes all the data, and she’ll tell V to meet up with her at a ramen shop in Japantown.
(Image Credit: IGN)
Once you arrive at the ramen shop and find Elizabeth, you’ll have a grim conversation that reveals she had a feeling something sinister was going on. She’ll ask V to go talk to Jefferson Peralez about what you discovered, where V has the choice to either keep him unaware of the obscured plot or tell him.
This completes the side job Dream On, and V will be rewarded with 8,960 eddies and 817 XP. This is the last we’ll hear from Jefferson or Elizabeth in a long time.
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